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Comment rendre les crypto-actifs plus accessibles?

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    "Aujourd'hui on peut avoir un portefeuille crypto avec la même facilité qu'un compte Gmail, je pense que ça change la donne"

    Stanislas Barthelemi, senior manager cryptos chez KPMG


    Article information

    Author: Robert Lewis

    Last Updated: 1703145481

    Views: 1341

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (88 voted)

    Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Robert Lewis

    Birthday: 1943-07-22

    Address: PSC 7970, Box 1104, APO AE 94728

    Phone: +4868034659973548

    Job: Financial Analyst

    Hobby: Camping, Whiskey Distilling, Card Games, Sculpting, Coin Collecting, Swimming, Horseback Riding

    Introduction: My name is Robert Lewis, I am a unreserved, daring, bold, talented, skilled, lively, unwavering person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.