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"Leave New England Patriots and join rival NFL team" is how Bill Belichick is described

Bill Belichick's next destination has reportedly already been all but agreed

BILL Belichick's tenure as head coach of the New England Patriots may have run its course.

The legendary coach's 24th season in New England has seemingly gone from bad to worse as reports have emerged suggesting his departure could be imminent.


New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick (pictured) has been tipped to leave after 24 seasonsCredit: AFP


ESPN analyst Dan Orlovsky (R) told Pat McAfee (L): "I've heard [Belichick's] location is already kind of determined as well"Credit: ESPN

Ahead of their Week 10 10-6 loss to the Indianapolis Colts in Germany, The Athletic's Dianna Russini reported that "a mutual parting of the ways" was a possibility.

Fast forward to Tuesday, and former NFL quarterback turned ESPN analyst Dan Orlovsky appeared to confirm these suspicions on The Pat McAfee Show.

McAfee brought up Russini's report, adding: "Will he be the GM as well? We assume, but who knows," adding that such a scenario "would be bananas."

In response, Orlovsky said: "I've heard more and more of that over the past week."

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He added: "Who knows the likelihood of it, but I've heard that that's gonna happen and I've heard the location is already kind of determined as well."

Orlovsky subsequently refused to go into any further details when pushed on who gave him this tip and which team Belichick could be heading for in 2024.

However, the show's co-hosts Darius Butler and Boston Connor both immediately suggested the Los Angeles Chargers.

Another rumored landing spot for the 71-year-old coach and de facto general manager could be the Washington Commanders.

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Back on November 1, Pro Football Talk's Mike Florio had previously said that he had heard from a trusted source that the Commanders could trade for Belichick.

But a trade would not be necessary, should the Patriots fire Belichick, or if he were to resign.

In a report on Monday, Sports Illustrated's Albert Breer said he had spoken to multiple "team-president types," one of which suggested Kraft might be looking to force Belichick to quit.

According to Breer, the source said: "I think [Kraft] wants to (fire Belichick), but I'm not sure he will. I think he'll take the GM job away and hire a GM, hoping that'll make Bill quit."

An eight-time Super Bowl winner - six as a head coach - Belichick's recent run of poor results surely wouldn't deter some teams from giving him another shot.

But for the time being, he remains at the helm of the sinking ship up in New England.

Next up for the 2-8 Patriots after their bye week is a trip to the Big Apple to face the 2-8 New York Giants.


Patriots owner Robert Kraft (pictured) has a big decision to make regarding Belichick's futureCredit: AP


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