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What is the Binance Referral Code? How can I use it? How does it operate?

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VIDEO: How to Use Referral Code on Binance (2023)
George Vlasyev

      Given the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, it is no surprise that so many users are eager to learn what crypto is about and how they can earn more by trading one or more coins and tokens. But dealing with crypto can sometimes be harder than some might expect, especially if you want to ensure your funds are safe.   

      However, we are here to help, and in this guide, the spotlight reaches Binance, one of the top crypto exchanges in the world, and its referral code so many crypto enthusiasts are talking about.  

      About Binance

      Launched in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao, Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, with millions of users from all over the world trading, buying, and selling crypto daily. The exchange is available almost worldwide, and users can access it through a mobile app, the official website, and a desktop app.   

      At the moment, Binance supports over 350, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Binance Coin (BNB), Polygon (MATIC), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Cardano (ADA). However, it is essential to note that the exchange supports only 153 cryptocurrencies in the US.

      Furthermore, Binance has temporarily paused most of its activity in the US due to an SEC lawsuit filed on June 5, 2023. Still, it is believed that the exchange will lift the pause in the near future. 

      Binance is well-known for its multiple features and advantages, but its fees and security measures may be the most popular. When it comes to fees, Binance has some of the lowest rates in the industry. The platform charges between 0% and 2%, with multiple services being free. 

      Considering that security is paramount in the crypto space, Binance ensures that its users’ funds are always well protected. So, you can set up 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) via Google Authenticator or SMS, device management, address whitelisting, and you have the possibility to restrict device access.   

      What Is the Binance Referral Code?

      Binance knows well that it is essential to keep its users incentivized, so it always thinks of new promotions and rewards to offer to the most active traders or even newly registered users. One of the most popular rewards offered by Binance can be claimed through the Binance referral code.  

      Usually, a referral code is a unique combination of letters and/or numbers used to register into a referral program and identify the participants of such special events. Most of the time, once you become a user of a platform that holds a referral program, a referral code is automatically assigned to your account, and you can start sharing it to get special rewards.

      On Binance, the concept is not so different from what we have just described. Binance assigns a referral code to each account, and you can use it to encourage other people to register on the exchange. Using the referral code will come with many benefits for both you and your friends who receive it and sign up on Binance through the code. 

      Besides the usual referral program available for everyone, Binance sometimes organizes other events with different requirements. For instance, at the moment of writing, the platform holds a special referral program called Lite Referral. The program has surprising rewards, including a brand-new Tesla Model 3. Users can also get up to 6 rewards of 100 USDT each and a 100 USDT trading fee rebate voucher. 

      Benefits of Using the Binance Referral Code

      As you probably already noticed, the Binance referral code comes with many significant benefits new users and their referrers can get.

      First, as a new user who registers with a referral code, you will get multiple discounts on trading fees, and this can help you have an engaging experience as a new Binance trader. As we mentioned, Binance’s trading fees are rather moderate, but it is important to have those lowered, too, especially if you plan to trade big amounts of crypto.

      Then, as a referrer, you can earn surprising referral bonuses. For each user who signs up on Binance and verifies their account, the referrer will be rewarded with some tokens (BNB, USDT, or others). Besides, when the user completes their first trade with a specific amount, the referrer will be rewarded once more.

      Furthermore, as a user registered with a referral code, you might also have access to some exclusive promotions and benefits that will also lead to some additional earnings.

      How to Use the Binance Referral Code?

      Using the Binance referral is quite simple no matter if you are a referrer of a referee. We will first show you how to share your referral code.

      If you are already registered on Binance and want to share your referral code with your friends, you simply have to click on your account icon and then on “Referral.”

      click on your account icon then on referral
      Click on Referral

      Then, you simply have to find the referral ID or referral link and copy it to share it with your friends. 

      Referral ID - Share it with your friends

      You can also share your referral link by clicking on “Invite Friends.”

      Click on "Invite Friends"

      How to Use the Binance Referral Code – New Users

      So, let’s say the friend whom the previous section was for sent you their Binance referral code or link. Now, what do you do with it?  

      Well, you first have to access Binance. Then, start signing up.

      Sign Up on Binance

      It is essential to choose “Sign up with Email or Phone.” This way, you will be able to add your referral code to the registration process.

      Create Personal Account

      When you reach the first step of the sign-up process, you will see a place where you can enter your email and a small arrow under that, right beside “Referral ID (Optional).” If you click on that, you will be able to enter the referral ID from your friend. If you use the referral link, you will just have to access it.  

      After you finish the sign-up process, you will be able to start claiming rewards. 

      After you finish the sign-up process, you will be able to start claiming rewards.


      Is there a referral code for Binance?

      Yes, there is a referral code for Binance. In fact, there are multiple codes and links you can use, such as Standard Referral, Lite Referral, or the Binance futures referral code.  

      What is Binance referral code?

      The Binance referral code is a unique combination of letters and/or numbers that, when added to the sign-up process, can lead to multiple rewards and benefits for both the referrer and the referee. 

      What is the best Binance referral code?

      There are multiple Binance referral codes, and each one comes with many benefits. The best one might be the code you use when signing up, as that is always available.  

      How do you make 0 a day on Binance?

      You can earn 100 USDT (approximately $100) by entering the referral program organized by Binance. 

      In Conclusion

      Crypto is intriguing so many of us that it’s hard not to register on an exchange and start trading. And when signing up comes with surprising rewards, it gets even better. This is what the Binance referral code is for.  

      If you, too, want to benefit from the Binance referral code, you can simply ask a friend of yours to share it and start earning those rewards. Furthermore, in some cases, you might find referral codes on various specialized websites, too. All you have to do is add the referral code when registering, verify your account, and start your crypto journey right. 

      * The information in this article and the links provided are for general information purposes only and should not constitute any financial or investment advice. We advise you to do your own research or consult a professional before making financial decisions. Please acknowledge that we are not responsible for any loss caused by any information present on this website.


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      Author: Melanie Christian

      Last Updated: 1702621322

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      Name: Melanie Christian

      Birthday: 1943-03-31

      Address: 780 Samuel Fort, Lake Reginaldchester, VA 53047

      Phone: +4375447089979529

      Job: Park Ranger

      Hobby: Archery, Sailing, Coffee Roasting, Embroidery, Hiking, Stamp Collecting, Magic Tricks

      Introduction: My name is Melanie Christian, I am a Colorful, vibrant, vivid, risk-taking, rich, esteemed, resolved person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.